What was most memorable about the class?
My most memorable moment of class was when I was able to sit down one-on-one with Marion and hash out my ideas. She was helpful in taking what I knew, and leading my to a more developed thesis. Both meetings really did help me capture the purpose of this class.
Were there specific readings that stood out to you or that changed your thinking?
I liked the reading on metacommentary. I never knew that the idea of metacommentary had been so deeply analyzed. I use it all the time, and to know what it was called and the different uses and functions of it was interesting. I learned the different tones and styles where metacommentary is appropriate and how it enhances writing.
Were there specific assignments you either enjoyed writing or struggled to write?
I enjoyed writing the blog post about Facebook. Although I usually have thoughts about certain topics, it rarely develop them. With my blog post on Facebook, I was able to say what I felt, which ultimately helped me analyze it.
What was the revision process like? How did your thinking about your ARP topic change as you analyzed your primary source and did secondary source research? What do you think about the final product?
From the editing process, my paper only got better. Throwing in my sources truly helped me develop and prove my argument. Both Graham and Girard’s thoughts on the film and theory were crucial in the building of my ideas.
What might future students need to know to be successful in the course and in specific assignments?
If picking a topic to extend through the ARP project, pick something that is rich and deep with analysis potential. I picked the Godfather’s Baptism Scene, which is a classic scene. Not only was there a lot of room for my own analysis, others had already written master’s thesis's on it.
What did you do that worked well and what would you do differently if you could start the class again?
Don’t procrastinate. Get your work done as soon as possible, and never be done editing.
What specific examples or stories from your experience this quarter might help readers to understand your progression as a writer?
I feel that through this course, I have revitalized my interests and skills in writing. These blog posts, for instance, have been a great way to get back on the wagon of writing.