Friday, January 28, 2011

Joining Channel 22

As a typical sweaty palmed and nervous Freshman, I introduced myself, “Hey, I’m Marc Eisenberg,” I said, not knowing what else to do or who to talk to. This was my first meeting for Channel 22, our local educational TV station.
My friend had led me into the meeting, knowing that I would enjoy working at the station, due to my interest in film and public service. The group was comprised of several member of our student body, some my age and some older. Channel 22 was intriguing, being tied to my high school’s technology program, the studio easily assessable during the school day.
My first task was to learn how to use the equipment working as an entry level “Cable Manager.” Learning everything from preproduction to postproduction, I gained a competitive advantage, able to complete diverse tasks in video production and media.
As sophomore year commenced, I felt able to take on a more substantial role at the station. Committing myself to this challenge, I developed many shows, one of which I was able to write, shoot, and direct. The program was called “Books From Around The World,” and was targeted towards young children. The goal was to teach about different cultures every week through folk stories and native cuisines.
As a result of this show’s success, I was promoted to the Director of Programming. Being responsible for selecting the station’s weekly programming, while also being involved in production of daily news shows. I was able to serve my community and earn over 200+ community service hours; while obtaining important skill sets for my future.
At the end of my junior year, I was promoted to Student Director of Channel 22. Throughout my senior year, my staff and I have been continuing to develop many shows, from color-commentated high school basketball games to ethnic cuisine cooking shows.
Committing all of my time and energy to my school and city has been extremely fulfilling. Through my various roles on Channel 22 I have discovered my passion in media, and invaluable skills that will continue to help me build my media business (
I went from a nervous Freshman to a confident director, I am glad I showed up to that meeting.


  1. Wow, that class seemed really neat! I bet it was a lot of fun and it sounds like you really enjoyed it. Are there any classes like this at OSU or atleast along those lines? You also said that the class helped you attain skills for your media business- what is that?

  2. Marc,
    I am so envious of you. My mom always saw me as a newcaster and i sort of liked the idea of it also. However, when i tried to do broadcasts for my school or other things being filmed, i freeze up and become really awkward. The fact that you are comfortable and have these skills is a great quality and im sure will come in handy in many ways (esp business things).
    Cool stuff!

  3. Sounds like working on channel 22 was a great experience for you and shaped the work ethic you have now. I checked out your media website and it looks pretty good, its similar to something that I've actually always wanted to do. Keep up the good work and good luck in the future!
